Application of uniform design to estimate autocontrol end - point scattering accuracy and hitting accuracy of anti - ship missile 反舰导弹自控终点散布和命中精度估算中均匀设计的应用
Artillery plays a major role in fire assault of land force . how to improve fire reaction speed and hitting accuracy on the condition available has been the main researching subject of towed artillery for a long time 炮兵是陆军火力突击的骨干力量,如何在现有装备条件下提高火力反应速度和命中精度是长期以来牵引炮兵研究的主要课题。
This direction indicator can show golfers with ball ' s direction directly , so as to help golfers improve the hitting accuracy , and let golfers hit the ball to the target area effectively 这一款挥杆方向指示器,可以直观提示练习者挥杆击球时球将运行的方向,从而更有效帮助球手在练习中挥杆击球的准确性,使练习者更有效准确地将球击往目标区域。